RWM Bro Alan in Reflective Mood

RWM Alan D Beck before leaving chair
As I prepare to leave the Chair of Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No XII, at the 286th Annual Installation on Tuesday coming (November 18th), it will come as no surprise that I have been thinking back on my two years in office and comparing the highs and lows of what really has been a roller-coaster journey.

I shall begin with the highs.  I think that the most memorable moment of my two years was the entrance of the Visiting Deputation at my first Installation.  Led by Bro Iain McPherson of Lodge Doric Kilwinning No 68.  There were over 80 brethren (not including members of No XII and PGL) in his Deputation and it seemed to take an age for them to parade into the Lodge.  I must admit to having had a lump in my throat as the brethren entered and the deadly sin of pride did creep in for a moment.

Being presented with the Gavel of another Lodge to confer a degree on one of their candidates is also a very special moment and the following Lodges bestowed upon me during my time in the Chair 175, 275, 609, 1600, 1566, 624, 1121, 217 and 4566 (EC) and on top of this I received the Gavel of 989 when I led the Deputation of reigning Masters of Renfrewshire West at the Homes Degree. I also presented the No XII Gavel to the RWMs of the following when they visited: 175, 275, 609, 1814, 217, 1566 and 1121. Indeed, history was made when 1814, for the first time since its foundation, visited a sister lodge to deliver a lecture.

The two Summer Meetings have been great successes with attendances on both occasions around the 130 mark.  The Past Masters Degrees have been most enjoyable and have seen the PMs of the Lodge dig out the ritual books to confer Enterings – the second of these meetings having seen the Initiation of 5 candidates for the first time in No XII since 1984.

It is , of course, very pleasing to initiate new candidates into the Lodge and there has been no shortage of them of late in No XII – 14 in my 2 years but I receive even greater pleasure from welcoming a member back to the Lodge who, for whatever reason, has not attended for some time.  We have been very fortunate to have welcomed back a good number of members and long may this continue.

I am also very pleased with how our own attendances have increased dramatically over the past two years with an average of 60-plus per meeting.  This shows the benefits to be gained by No XII visiting other Lodges.  Come tomorrow (Monday 17th November) at Lodge Doric Kilwinning No 68, I will have visited on exactly 250 occasions in my two years and on virtually all of these visitations I have led in a healthy number of my own brethren and that, in itself, is a great honour.

Only last weekend, I had the privilege, for the second time, of laying a wreath I memory of No XII’s fallen brethren at Greenock’s magnificent Cenotaph and this made even more special by the fact that the Masters of 175 and 1121 accompanied me as they laid wreaths to remember their own brethren who made the supreme sacrifice.

Of course, with the highs come the lows and there can be no greater sadness for a Master than to read the obituary of one of his brethren.  Unfortunately, I had this burden to bear on seven occasions and I certainly shall not miss having to perform this particular duty, although with the sadness comes a feeling of honour at being permitted to lead the Lodge in paying its silent respects to a deceased brother.

Also, on a couple of occasions I was called upon to make difficult decisions which may have seemed harsh at the time but were necessary at the time to preserve the harmony of the Lodge.  At times like this it is a comfort to know that all the Lodges in the Province have the support of the Provincial Grand Master who is always on hand to offer advice for which I am grateful.

When I assumed the Chair of King Solomon, I did so in the knowledge that my Immediate Past Master, Bro Robert J. Bain had led by his example of hard work and dedication to the task in hand.  I promised to do the same.  In the end, you can only do your best and hope that it is good enough. Having been a performer for many years I am not one for false modesty and I can clearly see that the Lodge has advanced in increasingly good health.  Whilst I am happy to receive some of the credit, I cannot take it all.  It is really a team effort.  I offer my sincerest gratitude to all the brethren who have contributed to that team effort by supporting me through the last two years, the visitors and their RWMs, my own brethren in No XII, my office bearers, the Secretary and Treasurers, my IPM Bro Bob Bain for his support and always being on hand to help, my Installing Masters - Hector Macphail and Ken MacDougall – my Principal Installing Master, proposer and sometime Masonic Mentor Iain White and, of course, my own family, Polly, Adam and Reuben,  without whose love and understanding much of this would not have been possible.

I now pledge my support to the new RWM Bro Allan Ian MacFeate and I enjoin you all to proffer him the same support which I have received.  I wish Allan and his Office Bearers much health and success over the coming twelve months.

Alan D. Beck RWM