Past Master’s Jewel for Bro Alan

IPM Jewel
Bro Alan D. Beck was presented with a Past Master’s Jewel by the Lodge.  It is shown in the photograph here.  It was originally the Jewel of Bro Thomas P. McIntyre who was Right Worshipful Master in 1939-40.  The Jewel sadly had not come back from Bro McIntyre’s family, and we might have lost it altogether, had it not been for the vigilance of PM Bro Peter R. Sinclair who found it for sale on eBay.  He bid for it and won the auction.  Then Peter very generously presented it back to the Lodge last year when he was up from England for one of our meetings.

Nowadays, we have a clear expectation on all of our Past masters that they return Jewels are returned by their families when they pass to the Grand Lodge Above.

Bro Thomas P. McIntyre had another claim to fame.  On Tuesday 13th December 1938, at the Annual Installation, he presented the big illuminated square and compasses to the Lodge that is used at Installations to this day.