Annual Installation of Lodge Greenock Kilwinning NoXII
Instituted in 1728, Lodge Greenock Kilwinning NoXII is the oldest and longest surviving organisation in Inverclyde. Recently,NoXII held its 283rd Installation Ceremony.Bro Robert J Bain was installed into the chair as Right Worshipful Master in front of a large number of Brethren from within and outwith the province of Renfrewshire West in a packed Town Hall Saloon. The deputation of visiting Brethren was led, as always, by the RWM of Lodge Doric Kilwinning No 68. In this case the man at the head was Bro Ian McPherson.
Bro Bob, who was previously Right Worshipful Master in 2003 - 05, joined a select number of Brethren in the 283-year history of the Lodge who have taken the Chair for more than two terms.
As is the tradition in NoXII, Inverclyde Council was represented at the Installation and this year, it was a great delight for the members of NoXII to have Deputy Provost of Inverclyde, Bro David Wilson, Treasurer of Lodge Sir Michael No 989, at the ceremony as well as the Dinner thereafter.
At the Dinner in the main Town Hall a large number of Brethren enjoyed a hearty meal and the usual Loyal and Masonic Toasts were observed. The Right Worshipful Master, Bro Bain, spoke of his pleasure at taking the chair again and of the plans that he had for the Lodge in the year ahead. A major charity drive is under way and its focus will be on Help for Heroes and the Boys’ Brigade in Greenock, amongst other deserving causes yet to be finalised. In his address, Deputy Provost Bro Wilson spoke of the long and close connection between NoXII and the town of Greenock and the Lodge’s historic right to meet in the Saloon of the Town Hall. He also expressed his pleasure at being in attendance and highlighted many of the exciting developments ahead for Inverclyde despite the present gloomy economic climate.
The extremely happy evening finished with the singing of Auld Lang Syne and three hearty cheers!
Installation 2011 - 2012
- Installation
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