Joining Lodge Greenock Kilwinning NoXII means that you will not only become a member of the oldest and largest fraternity in the world but that you will become a member of one of the world’s oldest and most distinguished Masonic Lodges. You will also be joining a brotherhood of over 3,000,000 men from all races, religions and countries, from all walks of life - even monarchs themselves have not thought it beneath their dignity to swap the sceptre for the trowel.
Why are so many men Freemasons?
Freemasonry is a voluntary, fraternal organization, composed of men of good will, good character and good reputation, who in most jurisdictions around the world, believe in a Supreme Being and practise the spirit of universal brotherhood to man.
They are loyal to their country and devote their time to the principles of friendship and fellowship. Their focus is to be of service to all mankind.
What is their Mission?
Freemasons help to build a better world through a unique and worthy process of building better men to live in it. We believe that better men make a better world.
What principles will I learn?
You will learn to practise brotherly love for all, charitable relief for those who may be in need, morality and good citizenship in every community.
What type of fraternal society is Freemasonry?
Freemasonry acts as a charitable, fraternal, educational, social and character-building society.
Masonic Fraternity:
Masonry's active ideal is the brotherhood of man.
Masonic education is a vital part of receiving your Master's degree in Freemasonry.
Masonic Education:
Freemasonry supports public education and teaches its own members morality and brotherhood by means of ceremonies and symbols.
The Masonic Fraternity furnishes opportunity and inducement for men to gather for group enjoyment and personal development.
Character Building:
All Masonic activities stress the values of personal integrity and personal responsibility. Each of the 3 degrees within a lodge culminates in a man becoming a Master Mason.
Each member is encouraged to make efforts to improve his community in the interest of human welfare, inspire the members with feelings of charity and good will for all mankind as well as move them to translate these learned principles and convictions into individual action.
What sort of people are Freemasons?
Men of good character from all walks of life. Every man comes to Freemasonry of his own free will and accord. Every applicant (whether he requests to be admitted as a member or whether he has been invited to be admitted to the fraternity) must be investigated as to his background and then balloted upon by his prospective Lodge's brethren.
What will I learn if I become a Freemason?
You will learn history from the days of Solomon's Temple
If I join Freemasons, will I learn Masonic secrets?
Yes. But, if Freemasons' secrets are your main reason for joining, your enthusiasm will soon diminish.
I hear and read about Freemasons being satanic, taking part in pagan rites, attempting to create a New World Order (NWO), such as the New World Order videos on YouTube, and their plans to take over the world. Is any of this true?
No. In fact, let's consider this, rationally, at greater length. Entire countries and civilizations have come, gone and changed in the several hundred year period during which Freemasonry has existed.
If Freemasons were, in fact, attempting to take over the world, (having approximately 300+ years in which to accomplish such a feat), one could only come to the logical conclusion that these Masonic secrets are either tremendously well-kept (from both Freemasons and non-Freemasons) or... that after all this time, Free Masons aren't very effective planners.
Is Freemasonry a secret society?
Freemasonry's "secret" inheritance from the past is largely ceremonial. The Masonic Freemason fraternity meets in Masonic halls and temples, whose addresses are in the telephone books.
(However, it is difficult to call a specific lodge because most only meet a couple times a month, therefore, if you stop by, there probably won't be anyone there.)
Most Freemasons proudly wear their Masonic rings lapel pins.
Newspapers and magazines record many of their activities and list their officers....and their charity work and events are not only very public, but very well attended.
Is Free Masonry Anti-Christian?
Is Freemasonry a religion?
No. Freemasonry encompasses and welcomes members from all religions.
If I become a Freemason, will I be expected to change my religion?
No. The foundation of Freemasonry is the brotherhood of man under a Supreme Being. There are no specific religions mentioned in Masonic ceremonies nor in Masonic prayers.
Freemasonry is not a church, a tabernacle, a mosque nor a synagogue, nor is it a substitute for any of them or for any religious observance.
Freemasonry is non-sectarian, which means it is not affiliated with nor restricted to any particular religious denomination. The form of a man's belief is his own business
Lodges whose members are wholly of a specific religion may choose to use their sacred books only.
Is Free Masonry a political group?
No. In fact, both politics and religion are forbidden from being mentioned in lodge because to do so may negate its collective peace, harmony, and thus, its universality of spirit.
What do Freemasons do?
Freemasons are a fraternity of brothers who attempt to help each man be the best man that he can be.
Can I quit being a Freemason if I want to?
Any Mason in good standing (whose annual dues are paid) may withdraw from membership at any time.
How Do I Join NoXII?
Freemason Membership Requirements
What are the requirements to become a Freemason?
The requirements to join Freemasonry are:
- You must be a man of good repute.
- You must be over the age of 21 unless you are the son of a Master Mason.
- You must believe in a Supreme Being.
- You must be able to support yourself and your family.
- You must live a moral and ethical life.
- You must have a strong desire to want to improve the lot of Man. By your actions, you want to make yourself a better man, and make your community and the world a better place to live.
Are Lodge dues expensive if I become a Freemason?
Typically, lodge dues are a nominal sum. NoXII’s dues are £40 per year.
What will I gain if I become a Freemason?
- You need never again be truly alone, because you are a part of a brotherhood of men who want to see you prosper in all ways possible and if it is within their ability, they will help you to do so.
- You will learn to focus your energies upon an upright and truthful life, and remove the more negative excesses which all of mankind must continually resist.
- If you become a Free Mason, you will become a better man, if you truly wish to study and learn.
How do I begin the process to join Lodge Greenock Kilwinning NoXII?
- Contact the lodge secretary by clicking here.
Then what happens?
Arrangements will be made to meet you, personally, to discuss Freemasonry. A committee of members from the Lodge, which are called the Enquiry Committee, will contact you to arrange a meeting. They will answer any questions you may have. If the meeting is mutually satisfactory; you will be asked if you wish to fill out a petition form.
The Enquiry Committee performs enquires of others as to your character. This may take a few weeks.
Your request for membership will be balloted upon by the lodge's members.
You will be advised of the date of your admission.
Becoming a Freemason is perhaps best summed up by Freemason and stone sculptor, Gutzon Borglum, who with his son, Lincoln Borglum, sculpted the faces of 4 U.S. presidents into Mount Rushmore's sheer stone peak near Keystone, South Dakota.
Begun in October, 1927 and completed in October 1941, (14 years later), over 400 workers worked on it during the carving process....with no lives lost.
When he was asked how he carved stone into such beautiful statues, Gutzon Borglum replied:
"It is very simple. I merely knock away with hammer and chisel the stone I do not need and the statue is there ...... it was there all the time! "
...And so it is with each of us.
Like everything else in life, when you become a Freemason, you will receive from Freemasonry what you put into it.
- Becoming a Mason
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