
Charity Drive – Provost’s Nomination Children in Poverty Inverclyde

Since 1765, No XII has a close association with Greenock Corporation and now Inverclyde Council. The Lodge made an agreement at that time with the Magistrates and Council to purchase a share in the property of the new Town House then being built.  Each November, when the Provost attends the Annual Installation Dinner, he is asked to nominate a charity of his choice for the Lodge to help.

Standing in for Provost Robert Moran who was on holiday, Bro David Wilson (Deputy Provost) recently presented a cheque for £500 to Pat Burke of Children in Poverty Inverclyde on behalf of No XII.  RWM Bro Alan Beck said, ‘In No XII we are anxious to make a difference for those who are perhaps not as fortunate as ourselves.’  Pat said, ' We are grateful to the Provost for our nomination and indebted to Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No XII for its very generous donation to our charity which will be used in our October holiday project of sending 5 local families away for a break. We congratulate Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No.XII on its admirable work for local charities'.

Provost Charity Nom 2014