
Alan D Beck IPM takes the Chair at Lodge The Prince’s No 607

Monday 2nd December 2015 was a historic night for No XII when IPM Bro Alan D Beck was installed into the Chair of Lodge The Prince’s, at their meeting place in the Masonic Temple in Mafeking Street in the shadow of Ibrox Stadium.  As far as I (Bro Iain White PM) am aware from my meanderings through the history of No XII, it is the first time that a Past Master who has No XII as his Mother Lodge has taken the Chair elsewhere, aside, of course, from those who have been Provincial Grand Masters in Renfrewshire West – Bros James Hendry and David M Leith.

Lodge The Prince’s is, itself, a Lodge of great distinction.  Founded in 1877, its first initiate was Sir William Pearce Bart., the Govan shipbuilder.  He came Provincial Grand Master of Glasgow in 1880 and a further SIX members of Lodge The Prince’s have occupied that office  As far as we are aware, four members of No XII have affiliated to Lodge The Prince’s viz.  Bro Beck, Bro Iain White PM and Bro Tony Stewart (HM) in the last few years and one of No XII’s most celebrated members Bro Robert Lyons Scott PM who affiliated in the early 1900s.

Bro Alan was supported on the evening by a great number of brethren from No XII, other lodges in the Province and members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire West.  Bro Bob Crossan WJW did a great job as transport coordinator getting everyone there and home again in one piece.  When I had a wee look at the Sederunt Book, I counted 23 members of No XII in attendance.  There may have been more!  Bro Alan was installed into the Chair by me (Bro Iain White), assisted by Bro Bobby Shaw who was vacating the Chair at Lodge The Prince’s. Bobby has twice been Master of his Mother Lodge, The Bridgeton and Glasgow Shamrock and Thistle Lodge No 275. On the evening of installation, our own RWPGM, Bro James P Livingstone, delivered the Toast to the Lodge and PPGM and past Substitute Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, Bro Alexander Galbraith, was at the Top Table.  Bros. Jim and Alex are, of course, affiliate members of No XII. Our RWM Bro Capt. Allan I MacFeate led the deputation of the visiting brethren and replied to the Toast to the Visiting Brethren. Bro Alan was further honoured by the attendance, in person, of Bro James Peddie RWPGM of Glasgow and a number of his Office Bearers.

After the ceremony, the dinner was of the usual Prince’s high standard and the entertainment from Past Masters Ian A Macpherson MBE of Lodge the Prince’s, Jim Gray of Lodge Pollok and David Vennard of The Glasgow Kilwinning Lodge No 4 was par excellence.





Bro Iain White PM