
50 Years and Counting - Bro Kenneth Kennedy Morrison PM

It was a great pleasure for us all to see ‘KK’ receive his Golden Jubilee Diploma at our last Regular Meeting (4th October 2016), 50 years to the day since he had been initiated in 1966.  Although Bro Kenny’s Dad, the late Bro Duncan Morrison was a member of Lodge Crawfurdsburn Greenock No 1121, as was Kenny’s brother, the late TT 88 003Bro Donald Morrison, Kenny obviously found his way to the Saloon all these years ago much to the ultimate benefit of No XII.  In presenting his diploma, RWM Bro Allan I MacFeate spoke of Kenny’s position as the senior active Past Master in the Lodge and his ongoing service to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire West as an Office Bearer.  Over all the years, Kenny has rarely missed a meeting and took the Chair in 1979 serving the usual two-year term with distinction.  He then had the honour of being asked by the Lodge to take the Chair again for the 275th Anniversary Year in 2003 and he did so, again giving great service and commitment to the Lodge.  No mean booler, Kenny joined George Felgate and David Stevenson to win the Orr Masonic Bowling Trophy, competed for by the Lodges in the Province of Renfrewshire West, in 2015 and has managed to led the No XII team to an occasional victory over Lodge Crawfurdsburn in the annual challenge match.  A Past President of Ardgowan Club, Kenny was honoured to be asked to return to the President’s chair to take the helm for the 175th Anniversary celebrations this year.  Of course, the anniversary year has been a great success under Kenny’s leadership.

In responding to the RWM’s presentation remarks, Kenny was his usual modest self, saying that he had found it a great pleasure to serve the Lodge over the years and had found many good friends through No XII and the Craft.

Over the years, Kenny has been an Installing Master in No XII many, many times.  He has also taken this role in Lodge Rothesay St John No 292 and Lodge Inverkip Ardgowan No 1425.  He was made an Honorary Member of 1425 in recognition of this support