
From the old Minute Books of No XII - Tuesday 29th April 1902

There has been much discussion about the Lodge carpet in General Committee meetings and Bro Alistair Glenny PM has taken its refurbishment on as a project.  He is in touch with restoration specialists in Glasgow and, all going to plan, it will be attended to in the close session.

The carpet has a significant history in the Lodge as you will see from the Minute Book extract below.

Tuesday 29th April 1902  

Bro Wm. Gray RWM, in the Chair

Note to the Foregoing Minute

Before closing the Lodge, the RWM called the attention of the Brethren to the Tessellated Carpet which had been placed on the floor of the Lodge Room this evening and he said that it was the joint gift of Bros. RL Scott and Capt. Playfair.

The Brethren signified their hearty appreciation of the kindness of the Brethren named, and on the motion of the RWM, it was agreed to minute the cordial thanks of the Lodge.

Bro RL Scott is, of course one of our most celebrated members and his friend, Captain Playfair, figures large in the Lodge minutes in the early part of the 20th Century.