
291st Annual Installation

Bob RWMOn Tuesday 20th November 2018, starting at 6:15pm (visitors approx 6:30pm), Freemasons from within and outwith the Province of Renfrewshire West will gather in Greenock Town Hall to attend the 291st Annual Installation of the RWM and office bearers of Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No XII. They will witness the installation of Bro J Robert Crossan (Bob) as Right Worshipful Master of Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No XII. Bro Crossan succeeds Bro Allan T Glen who has held the post of RWM for the last two years.

Bro Crossan is really looking forward to becoming the new Right Worshipful Master of Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No XII and the challenges he will face. In the meantime, he wishes to extend a very warm welcome to Brethren from within and outwith the Province and looks forward to meeting and greeting you there. After the meeting we will be holding a complimentary Installation Dinner in the Town Hall, to which Brethren are cordially invited.