Tuesday 7th December 2021 - 8:30 pm Devine Service
On behalf of RWM Brother Brian McFadyen, please note that the next regular meeting on Tuesday 7th December 2021 has been cancelled. This is due to the Town Hall being used as a vaccination centre until 8.15pm. Any business will be carried over to the January meeting.
Please note, however, that the Annual Divine Service will take place in the Saloon of the Town Hall at 8.30pm next Tuesday 7th December 2021 to which family and friends are warmly invited. The service will be conducted by Brother James P. Livingstone. No Regalia to be worn, just lounge suits or masonic dress..
A short harmony will be held following the service.
We will be following Scottish Government, Local Authority and Grand Lodge/PGL guidelines for the foreseeable future with mask wearing for all attendees at all times and recording of names/phone numbers for track and trace. Hand sanitiser will be available. Please refer to the Protocols below for attending meetings
- • Do not attend meeting if you, or anyone in your household, are feeling unwell or are showing any symptoms of COVID-19
- • A Face Covering MUST we worn unless medically exempt. Hand Sanitiser is readily available and it’s use encouraged.
- • On entering the Foyer of the Town Hall follow the one-way system signage/barriers.
- • Provide name and contact number to OB manning the desk, (where Sederunt Book normally is situated), for Track and Trace. Please ensure social distancing if queuing to provide name. No requirement to sign Sederunt Book.
- • Once you have completed the above - proceed into the saloon and go directly to a seat. You should get changed at your seat and keep coat/case beside it. Do not move any seats. (A 2 metre Socially Distanced area will be set up in the West for anyone wishing to use it). Face Coverings are to be worn during the meeting.
- • When leaving the Saloon for any reason you should leave by door adjacent to the stage whilst following the one way system. Re-enter by following one-way system.
- • Only one person is allowed in the Masters Room and the Cupboard for lodge furniture.
- • Please follow the instructions of RWM and OB’s at all times.
- • On completion of Meeting, we intend to have a short Harmony. You should take the seat you used during the meeting to the table you intend sitting at. Per current guidelines, once seated you may remove your face covering.
Brother Brian McFadyen
Right Worshipful Master