
Lodge Crawfurdsburn Greenock No 1121 Centenary Meeting

1121 - candidate
No XII was very honoured to be invited to attend the Centenary Meeting of Lodge Crawfurdsburn Greenock No 1121 on Tuesday 24th September and exemplify the Second Degree.  The ‘candidate’ on the evening was our old friend Bro Malky Sinclair.  It was a great evening.  Bro George Carson Jr welcomed us into the Lodge and a deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire West, headed by RWPGM Bro James P Livingstone, was also in attendance.

There was a big crowd at the meeting and the degree went very well. 
The team was

Prayer                          Bro Iain White PM
Obligation                     Bro Alan D Beck PM
Secrets                         Bro Bob Bain IPM
Working Tools               Bro Allan Macfeate DM
Tracing Board               Bro Ken MacDougall PM
Charge                         Bro Bob Bain IPM

At the end of the ceremonial, Bro Alan D Beck RWM presented RWM Bro George Carson Jr with a suitably engraved Quaich, on behalf of No XII, to mark the Crawfurdsburn Centenary

1121 - XII Deputation

back row:  Bro Allan Glen SD  Bro Bob Crossan JD  Bro Dugald Rankin  Bro Eddie McGill  Bro Crawford Kilpatrick      
  Bro Jas McGregor Jnr Bro Gordon Thomson IG  Bro Allan Mcfeate DM    
front row: Bro Jim Lever HM  Bro Alistair Glenny PM  Bro Iain White PM  Bro Alan D Beck RWM  Bro Bob Bain IPM    
  Bro Ken McDougall PM  Bro Martin Anderson WSW