The photo and information below was in the last Edition of XII Talk (48). Almost as soon as it was published, Immediate Past Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Bro Jimmy Miller contacted me because he had identified another mason in the ranks of the BB Old Boys. In the foreground, wearing the light coloured jacket is Bro Archie ‘Twinkletoes’ Lindsay of Lodge Greenock St John’s No 175. Bro Jimmy told me that he worked on the submarines in Scotts Cartsburn Dockyard with Bro Archie for many years and that Archie was an adept ballroom dancer, hence the nickname ‘Twinkletoes’.
Bro Alex Galbraith was telling me about this photo and I asked him for a scan. It was taken of the ‘Old Boys’ at the centenary parade of the Boys’ Brigade in Greenock. If you look carefully in the photo, you will See Bro Neil Forbes (Lodge Crawfurdsburn Greenock No 1121 and Honorary Member Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No XII) Bro Alex Galbraith (Lodge Greenock St John’s No 175, The Anchor Lodge of Research No 1814 and Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No XII) Bro Adam Piggott (Lodge Greenock St John’s No 175) the late Bro Jim Hotchkiss (Lodge Greenock St John’s No 175) Bro Hector Macphail (Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No XII) and the late Bro Jim Adams (Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No XII). I myself was in the parade but at the front of this column playing in the pipe band. Happy days.