Bro Iain White, PM is Head Teacher at Govan High School. Iain was absolutely delighted when a group of Govan High pupils benefitted from No XII’s Charity Drive. Bro Alan D Beck RWM presented Iain with a cheque for £300 to assist a group of Fourth Year pupils who have been saving and fund raising for over 2 years to finance a study visit to Berlin and Auschwitz. This spun out of an inter-disciplinary learning project involving English, religious and moral education, history and geography. Its theme was ‘Discrimination’. The part of the course which dealt with the Holocaust had such a profound effect on the pupils that they determined to raise the money to visit Auschwitz.
Through their course work and fund raising activities, the pupils are developing an impressive range of cross curricular skills including literacy, numeracy, problem solving, teamwork, enterprise and empathy. They are now closing in on their target of £12,000. RWM Bro Alan Beck, himself a teacher locally at Clydeview Academy, said ‘When I heard about the efforts of these young people at a special fund raising meeting for them at Lodge Neptune No 419 in Govan, I decided that No XII must help such a worthy cause too.’
The members of No XII have given out almost £3000 already this year from their charitable works and there is much more to come.