The Scots Lodge No 2319 meets in London and there have been links between it and No XII for many
All meetings for March 2017 in the Province and a couple outwith the Province have now been added to
It was a surprised and puzzled Bro Tony Stewart (Treasurer of Lodge Inverkip Ardgowan No 1425) who
The Annual Installation meeting was a great success with almost 140 in attendance and 70 waiting for
Bro AlexJohnstone RWM Lodge Greenock St John’s No 175 Bro Bryce MacLeod Fellowcraft No XII and
Our recent Burns Supper report is no available for your perusal.. Enjoy......
From Bro Alistair Glenny PM
We recently visited The Grand Lodge of Scotland along with a full bus load of brethren from the
Travel arrangements for the trip to Grand Lodge of Scotland are as followsThe bus will leave John
The Lodge was honoured by an invitation to confer a First Degree from our very good friends at
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