
Tuesday 15th November The 289th Annual Installation

The Annual Installation meeting was a great success with almost 140 in attendance and 70 waiting for the dinner after the meeting. The purvey, supplied by I.C.E. Scotland (our President of Stewards Bro Tony Buckley’s company) was absolutely first class and Polly Beck gave affirmation to the quality of the evening by her wonderful songs and thoroughly professional delivery. Bro Jonathan Buchan of Lodge The Prince’s No 607 provided suitable accompaniment on the Town Hall Grand Piano. This article and photograph of the RWM, his Installing Masters, Bro David Wilson HM Deputy Provost and Sir Ludovic Shaw Stewart, were submitted to the Greenock Telegraph.

From left: Bro David Wilson HM Deputy Provost; Sir Ludovic Houston Shaw Stewart 12t Bart.;  Bro Iain White PM Principal Installing Master; Bro Allan T Glen RWM;  Bro Kenneth C MacDougall PM Installing Master; Bro Alan D Beck PM Installing Master

Instituted on 27th December 1728, Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No XII is the oldest and longest surviving organisation in Inverclyde.  Recently,No XII held its 289th Installation Ceremony.Bro Allan T. Glen was installed into the Chair as Right Worshipful Master in front of a large number of brethren from within and outwith the province of Renfrewshire West in a packed Town Hall Saloon. The RWM of Lodge Doric Kilwinning No 68 led the deputation of visiting brethren, as always. In this case the man at the head was Bro William Lawson.

A native of Lanarkshire, Bro Glen moved to Boston to study at the prestigious Berklee College of Music after graduating from the University of Strathclyde. An accomplished and highly sought after saxophonist, Bro Glen has toured extensively in Europe and America working with many different ensembles and artists.

Bro Glen is currently a member of the music faculty at Edinburgh College, teaching composition, orchestration and film scoring. He is also the Musical Director of the Edinburgh College Big Band. He also teaches saxophone at Newcastle University and previously taught at the University of Strathclyde.

A keen golfer, Bro Glen is a member of East Kilbride Golf Club and hopes to one day get his handicap down to scratch.

At the Harmony in the main Town Hall a large number of brethren enjoyed supper and the usual Loyal and Masonic Toasts were observed. Bro Allan T. Glen RWM toasted Her Majesty the Queen.  His Toasts to The Grand Lodge of Scotland and The Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire West were replied to by Bro James P. Livingstone Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master.  Past Master Bro Robert J. Bain, himself a former regular soldier, delivered a heartfelt toast to Her Majesty’s Armed Forces. The Right Worshipful Master, Bro Glen toasted the Installing Masters and the Immediate Past Master.  The replies to these came from Principal Installing Master Bro. Iain White PM and Bro Allan I. MacFeate IPM, respectively.  Bro J. Robert Crossan WSW toasted the Visiting Brethren and, as is traditional in No XII, the reply was given by Bro William Lawson RWM of Lodge Doric Kilwinning No 68.  The artistes were toasted by Bro Brian McFadyen WJW.

As is the custom in No XII, Inverclyde Council was represented at the Installation Dinner and Harmony. On this occasion, Depute Provost Bro David Wilson, a member of Lodge Sir Michael 989 and Honorary Member of No XII, represented the Provost.  Depute Provost Bro Wilson addressed the assembled brethren and spoke of the long and close connection between No XII and the town of Greenock and the Lodge’s historic right to meet in the Saloon of the Town Hall.   This dates back to April 1765, when an agreement was made with the magistrates and council of the Burgh of Greenock that by contributing financial assistance to the project (equivalent to over £2 million today) the Lodge would hold a share in the property, and would thereafter secure the right in perpetuity to conduct its meetings and business in the new Town House and its replacement, the current Town Hall. The first meeting in the new venue was on 10th September 1766, and but for a short space between 1858 and 1865 while the current Town Hall was being built, all meetings were, and still are, held in the Municipal Buildings.

Bro Wilson concluded as he extended his good wishes to the new RWM and Lodge for the forthcoming session.

Bro Alan D. Beck PM proposed the Toast to the House of Ardgowan.  Sir Ludovic Houston Shaw Stewart, 12th Baronet of Greenock and Blackhall replied and thanked Bro Beck for his kind words.  Sir Ludovic particularly appreciated the way in which the long connection, stretching back to the 1840s, between the Shaw Stewart family and No XII was highlighted.  His forebear, Sir Michael Robert Shaw Stewart 7th Baronet was Grand Master Mason of Scotland between 1873 and 1882.

Bro Allan T Glen spoke of his pleasure at taking the chair and of the plans that he had for the Lodge in the year ahead.  A major charity drive is again under way.

Musical contributions from Polly Beck were much enjoyed by the company. The extremely happy evening finished with the singing of Auld Lang Syne and three hearty cheers!

Front Row from left: Worshipful Senior Warden Bro. J Robert Crossan; Bro Alan D Beck PM; Bro David Wilson HM;  Sir Ludovic Shaw Stewart 12th Bart; Director of Ceremonies Bro. Iain White PM; Right Worshipful Master  Bro. Allan T Glen; Immediate Past Master Bro. Allan I MacFeate; Secretary Bro. Kenneth C MacDougall PM ; Depute Master Bro James P Livingstone RWPGM;  Substitute Master Bro. Alexander Galbraith PRWPGM;  Worshipful Junior Warden Bro. Brian McFadyen

Back Row from left: Architect  Bro. Bro. James McGregor;  Almoner Bro. Alistair Glenny PM; Senior Deacon Bro. Paul Stevenson; Junior Deacon Bro. A. Campbell Snoddy; Sword Bearer Bro James McGregor Jr; 2nd Assistant Steward Bro. Fraser N. Cameron; Chaplain Bro. Robert J. Bain PM; Bible Bearer Bro. Kenneth K Morrison PM; Treasurer  Bro. David D. Stevenson; President of Stewards Bro. Anthony Buckley; Inner Guard Bro. David G. Martin; Director of Music Bro Robert Marshall
