A deputation of brethren from No XII travelled the well-known road to Blackie Street in Partick to visit our very good friends in Lodge The Gael no 609. It was a special evening as No XII was to give an exemplification of the Fellowcraft Degree. The volunteer candidate on the evening was Bro Alex Ferguson of Lodge Kelvin Partick No 1207. The No XII degree team did an excellent job, conferring the degree with dignity and decorum. The team was: Obligation Bro Allan I MacFeate RWM Secrets Bro Alan D Beck IPM Working Tools Bro Bob Crossan WJW Tracing Board Bro Ken MacDougall PM Secy. Charge Bro Allan T Glen WSW
Of course at the conclusion of the meeting we adjourned to the adjacent for ‘a few hours of Lodge The Gael Harmony’. We had excellent mince and tatties provided by Past Master Donnie Finlayson and spiced up with a ‘wee sensation of chili’. Loyal and masonic toasts were delivered and the wonderful traditions of Lodge The Gael Harmony were observed – the first item being a tune on the pipes and the first song in Gaelic.
It was great to continue the friendship between the two lodges and look forward to some of us making the trip to Rothesay St John No 292 in October when Lodge The Gael will make its annual visit to an island (this time Bute) and confer The Pipers’ Degree which is, of course, an Entering.
Lodge the Gael No 609 10th September 2015
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