
Alan D Beck IPM is honoured by Lodge The Prince’s No 607

This Monday (2nd November), our IPM, Bro Alan D Beck, will be installed into the Chair of King Solomon in his affiliate lodge, The Prince's No 607 at their home in the Masonic Temple, 3 Mafeking St, Glasgow (off Copeland Rd, just behind Ibrox Stadium).  The meeting starts at 530pm.

Bro Alan was already an honorary member of The Prince's when he affiliated to the lodge just over a year ago to "help out". As we understand it, Bro Alan is the third member of No XII to affiliate to 607, following in the footsteps of Bro Robert Lyons Scott PM in the early 20th Century and Bro Iain White PM in 2013. Bro Alan will be installed into the Chair by Bro Iain, assisted by Bro Bobby Shaw PM. On the evening of installation, our own RWPGM, Bro James P Livingstone, will deliver the Toast to the Lodge and RWM Bro Allan I MacFeate will lead the deputation of the visiting brethren. It is hoped that as many brethren as possible will support Bros, Alan, Iain, Jim and Allan on the evening.

Brethren willing to drive, or wishing a lift, should contact Bro Bob Crossan WJW