The strong relationship between the two Lodges stretches back to the consecration of Lodge Crawfurdsburn in 1913. This was further cemented at the 175 Masonic Club on Tuesday 27th March, when RWM Bro Allan T Glen took a deputation of 14 brethren of No XII, and our good friend, Bro Stewart M Aitken PM of the Glasgow Star Lodge No. 219, to exemplify a Passing.
The Degree Team was
Obligation RWM Bro Allan T Glen
Secrets Bro Iain White PM
Apron Bro J Robert Crossan WSW
Working Tools Bro Robert J Bain PM
Tracing Board Bro Kenneth C MacDougall PM
Charge Bro Brian McFadyen WJW.
The ‘candidate’ for the evening was Bro Campbell McDiarmid JD of Lodge Crawfurdsburn. RWM Bro Malcom Sinclair of Lodge Crawfurdsburn paid compliments to the quality of the work done by the degree team and we enjoyed some Lodge hospitality after the meeting was over. The pie and beans were very tasty.
At the end of the meeting there seemed to be a little confusion in our RWM’s mind about the circumstances in which he had first met RWM Bro Malcolm Sinclair of Lodge Crawfurdsburn, but the confusion is now over. They say that the camera never lies so here it is
The date was Tuesday 24th September 2013 and, again No XII was at Crawfurdsburn to confer a Passing. Again, it was an exemplification and, on that occasion, the ‘candidate’ for that evening was none other than Bro Malcolm Sinclair, pictured here, on the left. with Bro Alan D Beck, RWM of No XII at the time.
No XII and Lodge Crawfurdsburn Greenock No 1121 - Exemplification of Passing Tuesday 27th March
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- Hits: 1951