Once again today we were blessed with perfect conditions to try and retain the trophy in the annual bowling match against Lodge Crawfurdsburn No 1121. Firstly, thank you to all who turned up to play for both teams, even the 'ringers'. We had 3 rinks of 4v4 with 2 bowls each. On rink No 1 we had David Stevenson, myself RWM Bob, 'ringer' Ricky Kennedy and Kenny Morrison (skip). We could not have started worse with us being 6-0 down after 3 ends. We managed to pick ourselves up a bit and went into the half time (6 ends) 7-4 down. After a light refreshment or three we got back to the business at hand. Despite our much improved second half we found ourselves 4 down going into not just the last end but the very last bowl with 1121 lying shot. Sammy Hunter was playing his usual brilliant shots and his team mates (RWM John Laird, WSW Ian Hair and Tommy McDougall) also playing well. Anywho back to this last bowl that Kenny Morrison had, with 1121 lying shot, we waited with bated breath, about to experiencing a five shot gubbing, so Kenny called on his vast experience and for the first time today showed us what he is really capable of, he rolled the bowl, it's looking good, no it's looking great, oh no it's looking Magnificent, he's carried the jack through the back and we won the last end by 4 shots, with an unbelievable shot from our skip. We managed a draw, superb....
On the other two rinks, we managed to win one by 3 shots but in the other game we were beaten by 7 shots, which meant that 1121 were to be crowned champions for this years
We once again had a wonderful day with our Brethren from 1121 and from various other Lodges. Congratulations to all at 1121 and to everyone who participated to make the day special. A huge thanks to Alistair Glenny for coming along and taking photos (see below - select any photo to enlarge it).