
Visit to Lodge Burns Dundonald No 1759 - 30th April 2019

 We were invited to confer a Fellowcraft degree at Lodge Burns Dundonald No 1759 on Tuesday 30th April by their RWM Bro John McNish which we of course accepted their kind invitation.

About a month before the date for our visit, I received a phone call from RWM John McNish to ask if it would be possible to change the degree for the evening to a Mark degree. After checking with our Brethren we decided this was okay. Our own Mark degree was actually two weeks before our visit, so this would be a good practice run. 

So the 30th April arrived before we knew it and off we went to our sojourn in Dundonald.

As you would expect, we were given a really warm welcome from all the brethren of Lodge Burns Dundonald and their visitor for the evening, of which there were plenty, about 75 Brethren were present at the meeting.

After changing halls to accommodate the large crowd the meeting started, we remained outside as were we to be admitted as a deputation of which I, as RWM, would have the pleasure of heading. After about 20 mins, we were called for and duly led into the Lodge room. After the usual formalities the gavel was presented to me by RWM Bro John McNish, for which I thanked him in the usual manner. I called for the office bearers to be exchanged in favour of No XII. 

We then proceeded to confer the Mark degree on their candidate and I must admit it was a very fine rendition of the Mark with everyone being at the top of their game on the evening, just as two weeks before in our own Lodge. I then presented their RWM with the Gavel, for which he thanked me and all from No XII for such a fine degree. After their collection was uplifted we were asked if we would like to retire from the Lodge and we duly did.

I don't think they were expecting such a large crowd as at harmony, there certainly wasn't 75 pies on the table. Fortunately for us the harmony was served before the meeting ended and we all managed to get a pie each and other sandwiches and cakes. When the meeting ended I'm sure there were a few unhappy pieless Brethren, oh well that'll be us being talked about again :-))

Thank you to everyone who made the journey down to Dundonald for what I would call a very enjoyable night.


Dundonald Deputation 19