Monday 10th June 2019
RWM Bro Bob Crossan and WSW Bro Brian McFadyen visited Lodge Glasgow Star No 219 for their RWM Bro Norman Jamieson last meeting in the chair. It was a very busy evening and after opening the Lodge the RWM admitted a deputation from Lodge Nitshill No 1478 who then conferred an excellent Passing. Unfortunately due to the late ending of the meeting we were unable to stay behind for Lodge hospitality and I forgot to take a photo, sorry
Update - courtesy of Lodge Glasgow Star No 219 RWM Norman Jamieson we have a photograph from their harmony, whilst doing the raffle. The RWM managed to raise a tremendous sum of £270 which was presented to Paisley Disability Resource Centre, well done.
Thursday 13th June
HM Bro Tony Stewart and I travelled to the East to Grand Lodge for their Communication. We arrived in plenty of time to go for a lovely lunch at Tiger Lily just across the road and would recommend a visit if you are through in Edinburgh.
We then proceeded into Grand Lodge and were pleased to meet up with other Brethren from Renfrewshire West including our RWPGM Bro Robin McIntyre and our very own Bible Bearer Bro Alex Gray who had gone through with some members from The Lodge of Erskine No 1566.
After the Grand Lodge Communication had ended, Lodge Sir Moray No 1641 had their annual installation, which due to complications at their own Lodge building, took place in Grand Lodge. Tony and I decided to stay on and witness their 'short and sweet' installation, we did not stay for harmony as all the tickets were sold. A huge thanks to Tony for driving me through to Edinburgh and back.