RW Master, W Wardens, Brethren All,
during my visit in June we spoke again about the idea of brethren of No. XII visiting KTL in 2020.
The secretary of KDL has suggested that you in Scotland discuss dates among yourselves and when you will have come to a result suggest one or two such dates to KTL because four the brethren in Germany it would be easier to amend their timetable/working plan accordingly or agree on a date for an additional meeting.
I assume this procedure would make it easier for you my brethren to agree on a date on which you would like to demonstrate a working following your/our tradition.
Looking forward to hearing from you I greet you cordially and fraternally
Looking forward to hearing from you wishing you and all the brethren and their loved ones all the very best I greet you cordially and fraternally